Friday, August 7, 2009


Thank god it is Friday! This week with the close has dragged on and on. I am looking forward to dinner tonight with my hubby, best friend and another friend at a Taverne in Summit! The food looks delicious and think I may have to get the mussels looking at the menu.

On the radar for the weekend is the basement. Tomorrow we are going to attempt, I preface that by attemp, to nail in the studs into our frame we built for the workout room. Once we get that done, Scott is going to do the electrical wires(run the wires through the studs at the the boxes for where we want them) and then my dad is going to come over on Sunday and help up get them into the circuit breaker!

Then we should be ready for next weekend when my 2nd parents come down to help drywall. I am leaving that to the Tune men, the Tune ladies will enjoy other be decided.

Have a fabulous weekend!

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