Friday, July 22, 2011

Milestones- meet them or beat them

With my first milestone approaching this coming Monday, I haven't been nervous about making my first goal, to lose 15 lbs. Mostly attributable to the fact that I know I am not going to make it, which is ok, but I will be damn close. We will actually be on vacation for my weigh-in day so I will weigh-in tomorrow morning prior to the trip. I am venturing to guess I will be down 12-13lbs. rather than the 15 lbs. that I wanted to be down but all in all not too bad!

We are wheels up and headed for our ultimate destination of North Carolina this weekend with some sight-seeing along the way. In preparation for our trip, I have been packing my clothes, beach stuff, campfire wood, smores ingredients, a few games and misc. other items. We are looking forward to the trip!

In other good news to start off a great vacation, Scott received a full time offer with PricewaterhouseCoopers yesterday! He has been contracting with them but a FT offer came through yesterday so that is wonderful news! Now the negotiations start :-)

We will back in August!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Fall Preview Season

I was at the mall this weekend using some reward cards that I had at a few stores and using up a few gift certificates. I managed to get 3 dresses, a pair of shorts, a t-shirt, pair of havianas and a pair of sandals for scott all for $71.! I thought it was a great deal since most stores right now are an extra 40% off their spring/summer stuff since they are making room for fall clothes. I was in Nordstrom's and saw something that caught my eye. As I had said before I am really not buying much since I would like to lose more weight but these are on my "to-buy" list for the fall and I don't need to lose weight for these!

I am falling in love with these Tory Burch Ambrose flats and Nordstrom has them in their anniversary sale.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The shopping I don't like

There are things in life that I love to do and one of them is shopping. I enjoy shopping for things for the house, myself and Scott. I haven't been shopping in awhile since I am to the stage where I am refusing to buy anything new until I lose some more weight and then can fit back into majority of my clothes.

There is that one item that I hate to shop for....the dreaded swimsuit. I don't have the bikini body and never really did and I am ok with that, but I do hate to go shopping for a bathing suit when you are in the process of losing weight. If I buy one that fits me now, I hope that it won't fit me in August when I am in the Bahamas. So that has got me thinking more of what I should buy. I have been eyeing up this one by Mossimo from Target. I love the color of it and I would go for the striped bottom that is clover and white.

I think this would work well since I could buy two different size tops and if I lose the weight then I have one for now and one for August without having to spend a fortune on a whole new suit. The problem.....finding the bottoms. They are unavailable online, in the few stores around me that I have looked in. I can order the top online without a problem, but you kind of need bottoms you know? I decided to then try another color (mint or teal in the same suit) that they had bottoms for at the store in my size but not the top and wouldn't you know there are no tops available online period. God damit. I hate shopping for a bathing suit. Needless to say, I am still looking and shopping.

This week's weigh-in was not a good weigh-in since I gained .7lbs back. I was away in Massachusetts for the weekend in the lovely Berkshires (later post) and enjoyed my time there eating out and driking so of course that didn't help but I don't regret my decisions while being away. You need to enjoy vacation!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pack up the car....its summer

After a wonderful holiday weekend celebrating the 4th of July with family and friends, I would like to be able to just pack up the car for a road trip and just start driving and see where the road takes us and enjoy the summer! When we lived in London I traveled to the Netherlands alot for work to one of the subsidiary companies. They owned campsites, no not the American version of campsites. They were chalet style campsites. The Dutch would literally pack up the Chandeleir's and head to the campsite for a month at a time, park the car, grab a beach cruiser and ride. I got to enjoy a weekend at one of the campsites in the middle of the Netherlands and get that bike and ride to town, through the forest and just relax. It was a great time!

This time of year makes me want to become a teacher and I know that life is not as glorious during the school year being a teacher, especially if you teach summer school or tutor it certaintly doesn't end, but for those whom are off I envy you this time of year. I know you pay your dues during the year but I want your life during the summer.

Scott and I are packing up the car this year in a few weeks and taking a mid-atlantic roadtrip. We are finalizing a few plans for a the trip down and then trip home. We have pulled out the map (well google maps) and are toying with some towns/cities in Virginia (Richmond, Fredericksburg), or the obvious stop in DC. We have some concrete plans in the middle of the stay that include riding some of those beach cruisers, sitting in some adirondack chairs, sipping a few local beers, pigging out on some yummy food and enjoying good company. In the meantime, it is back to the grind of working, working out to lose the weight before vacation and get our plans in motion for the roadtrip!

With lots of drinking and pigging out this past weekend due to my brother in-laws birthday on Thursday, dinner and drinks with my best friend on Friday, BBQ on Saturday and Sunday I still managed to fair ok on the scale this week for my check-in.

Weight-loss this week: 1.4lbs
Total weight-loss: 6.4lbs