Monday, August 11, 2008

Spring Cleaning

Today marks 120 days till we make the return voyage to the US. To put myself in gear for the move home I have decided that I will slowly start to conquer cleaning out each area of the flat so that we don't ship home clothes we never wear, shoes we don't wear, things to sell here in London, kitchen items we are not taking home, etc. I think the list goes on and on. No time like the present then to start since the movers will be here before we know it and I will be traveling for 5 weeks of this time.

I started the weekend off by going through my sweaters. Once I piled them all on the floor I started to realize that maybe I should rethink when I want to buy a new sweater like if I buy one then I have to give one away sort of deal. Nah, this is much better. Going through all your sweaters and weeding out the ones you don't wear and while doing it remembering where you got it, who gave it to you, fun nights out wearing it or what was I thinking to buy this? All of these thoughts crossed my mind this weekend and by the end of the process I felt good about getting rid of about 20 sweaters. I still have about another 20 on the pile that are maybe's or maybe I will keep them till we leave then bring them to the charity shop, but I think a few would 'just happen' to make their way into the keep pile. I will have to rethink that a bit more.

What is next on the idea. I am not sure I am ready to part with more clothes. Maybe books? Those seem easier to get rid of since I know that I can go to a library and borrow it if I wanted to read it again. Scott on the other hand will not part with any of his books and mainly because they are all history books and he loves to re-read them all the time. Shoes? hmmm...I don't think so. I did get rid of two pair this weekend, well actually three. Bailey was hungry and chewed through the toe of one of my Nike Running Shoes.

We have started to realize that we have been saving the American food up and now when we were looking through the cupboards this weekend we need to start using it. What can one possible make with 12 bags of Butterscotch Chips? I started by making Special K bars, granola with butterscotch chips, chocolate butterscotch oatmeal cookies and now I am at a loss and only 9 1/2 bags to go. I think we will take a break from butterscotch for a little while now. Macaroni and Cheese boxes galore. We started a one box per weekend and that will bring us into November which is perfect! Gatorade, Crystal light mix....we need to start drinking LOTS! I refuse to bring it home since it is a waste to ship it so we will start to slowly weed everything out and our cupboards will slowly start to become empty. I guess that is how we moved here so that is how we will end it.