Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Doggie Hunter...

Well, the past 3 days have been quite adventurous for our little pooch. Let's paint a little picture. It's early Tuesday afternoon and I'm on my way to take the little dog for a walk...get the excited puppy greeting, start getting stuff ready for the walk, almost about to sit down and what is next to me? A HEADLESS BIRD! Blood on the seatt, blood in her dog bed, blood on her back, someone had fun with the bird.

The day ends and Wednesday started, through the day, come home...playing with the dog, still with the taste of blood on her lips, GOES FOR DAD! ME! Apparently, I look like a tasty little treat and she bites my eyelid just below my eyebrow. Although, stiches and a trip to the A&E department (think ER) was adverted, by my personal Doctor Libby, the thoughts of her lunging at me frightens me enough to make Dr Libby, the official dog owner. I have given our doggie up for adoption to my wife.

Today, she took a local trip to the local pub, The Swan. Our new wateringhole for dinner & drinks were dogs are allowed. How cool is that! Dogs with there owners is like a whole new meaning to Designated Driver, maybe designated doggie! One pampered pooch too! Gets a 1 hour spa treatment with wash, shampoo, cut nails & an ear cleaning.

For a first post, this had a little bit of everything! Blood, guts, glory, pampering. Oh, and a little bit beer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHAT! No comments on my fantastic post! This is GARBAGE! COMMENTED by the WRITER.