Thursday, March 6, 2008

Call me Betty Crocker

well not quite. If you were to ask my mom about my baking skill, or lack there of, she will tell you that I often forget to add some ingredients that are called for in the recipe. They are not just ingredients they are mainly the key ones, baking powder, baking soda, etc. It is not that I forget to do it, I think I have already put them in. They she double guesses me and says "are you sure you put everything in", "yes, mom I can read" would be one of my replies I am sure.

Fast forward to this past Monday, I was home all day waiting for two service crews to come over for various items in the house, so I decided to bake. We have Hershey kisses in the house and Skippy peanut butter so I thought I would make peanut butter know the ones

Peanut Butter Blossoms Ingredients:
48 HERSHEY'S KISSES Brand Milk Chocolates
1/2 cup shortening
3/4 cup REESE'S Creamy Peanut Butter
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup packed light brown sugar
1 egg
2 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
Granulated sugar
You are probably wondering what did Libby do, you guessed it. I used 1/2 cup all purpose flour and 1 cup of White Bread Flour. I knew going into it that they wouldn't be the same, however; I was smart enough not to even bake them and waste the Hershey Kisses because the dough was just not right. Mom- I hope you are sitting down since I realized that the dough wasn't right!
On two Betty Cr ocker Project #2 for the day:
Mary Ann (my Mother in Law) but I will not call her MIL as she is more of a mom to me that the stereotype MIL's that you hear of. I am very fortunate to have her as Mom #2! Anyway, Mom shared a recipe that Scott likes which is her Sour Cream Coffee Cake. I ventured on Monday to try and make it again. Back in Nov. when I got the recipe from her and got a bundt pan to bake it in I tried to make it and failed miserably. The coffee cake wouldn't come out in one piece out of the pan and it tasted like ____________ (you can fill in the blank with what you like). At Christmas when Mom and Dad Tune were here, mom ventured to make the coffee cake and failed too. Sorry to say this mom, but it made me feel good since I thought I was just not a good baker. Fast forward now to Monday again and I declare VICTORY over the bundt pan as my coffee cake came out PERFECT!!! Scott was highly impressed and I will post the photos later since I was so happy with my work.
So I gues 1 for 2 in the baking department on Monday wasn't all that bad especially since I knew that one wasn't going to work. So I will have my turn with the Peanut Butter Blossoms once I am back from the US next week and will declare Victory over them too!

1 comment:

andrea said...

YUM! I love, love, love those!