Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree..........

The Tree is up and yes as I said Scott and I bought it off of the internet. The tree came all nicely wrapped up, as you can tell from the picture below.

Bailey is waiting to see what this thing actually is:

We were a bit worried about Bailey and that she would try to attack and eat the tree so on Friday the tree went up

Saturday the lights and ornaments and tonight they are all still in tack and noting damaged! (Good Girl Bailey! I am sure Santa will be good to you!).

All decorated and ready for Christmas (oh wait....no presents).

Well now that the tree is finally up, the wreath is hung on the outside door, the stockings are hung we just need to wrap the presents.

So what is on the menu for Christmas Dinner:

1. Turkey Breast

2. Corn Casserole

3. Sweet Potato Casserole

4. Stuffing

5. Cranberry

6. some sort of green vegetable (maybe I will be forced to have brussel sprouts)

And dessert:

Scott's mom is going to as she says, "Whip up a pie" so not really sure what it will be but they are always good!

and then some christmas cookies!

1 comment:

andrea said...

I think we have your tree twin :) And I can't believe how big Bailey is now!

The tree looks great!