Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Year of Cotton


Two years ago I was just waking up and going to get ready for hair and makeup with my 5 bridesmaids where as Scott and the groomsmen were all still sound asleep. I remember waking up and thinking to myself, I wish I had a few more hours of sleep but I am getting married today so no time to waste.

The night before our wedding we had a lovely rehearsal dinner at an Italian restaurant in Morristown, NJ followed by what was going to be a Bridal Party Sleepover in my suite. What started to be the girls getting in their PJ's ended up being the whole wedding party plus my mom being the referee playing flip cup with champagne. Yes you read that correctly. Needless to say, we all had a wonderful time playing and don't ask me who won and how many since I don't remember.

The next morning the gals got all dolled up and the gents all dressed up in their tuxes and off everyone went to the Church. We were standing outside the church waiting to go in and I remember my best friend Katie saying, "It isn't too late if you want to leave" to which my dad's reply was "NO WAY". I could tell that my dad was excited since he kept popping his head around the corner once inside the church, when the bridesmaids were walking down the aisle, and saying it is filled up nicely. I can see so and so and so and so, etc.

Everything went down wonderfully and so on this day we celebrate our 2nd Wedding Anniversary! The traditional gift this year is cotton and we have decided to forgo gifts and just exchange cards and go to Gordon Ramsay's Restaurant in Chelsea.

Happy Anniversary Scott! Here is to many many many more years of Happiness, Health, Family and Wonderful Memories!

I Love You With All My Heart!


Wifey Tune

1 comment:

Melaina25 said...

Happy anniversary!!!