After a wonderful holiday weekend celebrating the 4th of July with family and friends, I would like to be able to just pack up the car for a road trip and just start driving and see where the road takes us and enjoy the summer! When we lived in London I traveled to the Netherlands alot for work to one of the subsidiary companies. They owned campsites, no not the American version of campsites. They were chalet style campsites. The Dutch would literally pack up the Chandeleir's and head to the campsite for a month at a time, park the car, grab a beach cruiser and ride. I got to enjoy a weekend at one of the campsites in the middle of the Netherlands and get that bike and ride to town, through the forest and just relax. It was a great time!
This time of year makes me want to become a teacher and I know that life is not as glorious during the school year being a teacher, especially if you teach summer school or tutor it certaintly doesn't end, but for those whom are off I envy you this time of year. I know you pay your dues during the year but I want your life during the summer.
Scott and I are packing up the car this year in a few weeks and taking a mid-atlantic roadtrip. We are finalizing a few plans for a the trip down and then trip home. We have pulled out the map (well google maps) and are toying with some towns/cities in Virginia (Richmond, Fredericksburg), or the obvious stop in DC. We have some concrete plans in the middle of the stay that include riding some of those beach cruisers, sitting in some adirondack chairs, sipping a few local beers, pigging out on some yummy food and enjoying good company. In the meantime, it is back to the grind of working, working out to lose the weight before vacation and get our plans in motion for the roadtrip!
With lots of drinking and pigging out this past weekend due to my brother in-laws birthday on Thursday, dinner and drinks with my best friend on Friday, BBQ on Saturday and Sunday I still managed to fair ok on the scale this week for my check-in.
Weight-loss this week: 1.4lbs
Total weight-loss: 6.4lbs