Back in June, the Company I work for announced that we would be closing our office in Northern NJ and moving down to South Jersey, we own the building and our other sister companies are there. It all made sense from a business standpoint and eventhough everyone (besides three people) were offered the opportunity to still have their jobs in the South Jersey office and still work in the Northern NJ office until March 2010 there was a lot of hostility towards those whom were going to the new office. Why? I have no idea but there was. It was bad to the point of swear words being used in the Corporate world which is UNCALLED for.
Jump ahead to last Thursday. There was a meeting called at the office that we are closing and the President announced that we would be STAYING in that office. There were applauses from majority of the room but some sad faces from others. There were people whom were planning on taking the severance and enjoying time at home with kids, enjoying maybe a few months off from work, using the money to pay off debt and I am sure a slew of other things. All of those things were now off of the table since they all still have jobs, which is great news for them, but when you have something planned and are looking forward to it this news might not be great.
Today as I sit back in the old office, I had already moved to the South Jersey office, I am awaiting boxes to come of my stuff and sitting here thinking I wish some people would leave. There are some two-faced people whom I can't stand now since the original announcement to move. Their work ethic dropped by like 300% and their attitude is piss poor. There isn't much that can change that now and they have jaded quite a few people. Sometimes the world just isn't fair to everyone and flips you upside down sometimes, but people have to realize that this is life and you have to roll with the punches that are thrown at you.
I hope attitutudes and personalities come back, little secret chats are put to a halt and that people actually APPRECIATE that the Company has now given them back their jobs in their same office.