Tuesday, February 26, 2008


After countless hours of studying after work, on the weekends, before work, on airplanes, at coffee shops, etc. Scott passed his first of 4 IT exams!

For those who know Scott well all know that he is a computer "geek". He loves tinkering with computers and so the time came to pursue his love for computers and get into the IT industry. So that means that he is basically getting his equivalent of a Master's in IT with these certifications. He is going for his MCSA "Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator" and then once we move home to the US this year or if not before he will be getting his MCSE "Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer"

What does all of this mean? He passed his first exam which is called your CompTia A+ Essentials with an 81! Once he passes the next exam which we think will be in the beginning of May he will then be able to get an official job in the IT world! That is the great news as he can then get some experience in IT prior to moving home to the US in December.

So I leave you with his quote of the day yesterday "TEST PASSER"!

Congrats Scott and glad that you are persuing your dream!


Jenn and Conrad said...

Congrats Scott!

PS--We're totally stealing some of your layout ideas from your blog! ;)

andrea said...

Aw, go Scott! That is exciting news!