What a delightful long weekend Scott and I had! When you live abroad there is always a long build up in time until your guests arrive and I would say that is very true with our guests this weekend. It has been 2 years and 1.5 months since I have moved to London and this is the first time my brother has made his way over. There have been very valid reasons for it (i.e. him changing jobs, Scott and I getting married my first year over here, trips to the US for all holidays, etc.), but nonetheless the day finally came.
It all started on Thursday morning when my brother Chris and his girlfriend Leigh Ann arrived! We spent Thursday laying low and letting them get accustomed to the time (taking a nap), we went to get some lunch and then had a WONDERFUL Valentine's Dinner! It was so nice to catch up with the two of them in person rather that on a phone or email.
On Friday, we let them sleep in a little while and we headed out to see the sights of London. Chris and Scott headed to the Imperial War Museum and Leigh Ann and I went our shopping on Oxford Street, New Bond Street, Regent Street and the Chiswick High Road.
Some Pictures from the Imperial War Museam:

After walking around on Friday, we went to one of our favorite Thai Restaurants in the city and then proceeded to the pubs on the Chiswick High Street.

Above: Me and Leigh Ann having a pint
Left: Scott and Chris having a pint
Saturday we ventured out to Churchill's Cabinet War Rooms which was very interesting to see then walked through St. James's Park to Buckingham Palace through Hyde Park Corner to Harrod's then the tube home . We had Mexican Night on Saturday at the house and made fajitas with Spanish Rice, Margaritas and played "Catch Phrase" with our friends Jenn and Conrad. It was guys vs. gals and to set the record straight the gals one 3-2 (p.s. Conrad what is a Gnome?). It was a late evening or shall I say early morning playing Catch Phrase till 2:30am! We had a wonderful time though.
Sunday, Chris and Leigh Ann headed to Tower Bridge to do some more sightseeing and Scott and I stayed home to get caught up on some items before having to head back to work Monday. We met Chris and Leigh Ann at The Devonshire (one of Gordon Ramsey's restaurants) in Chiswick and had an exquisite meal!
So as I am sitting here typing this blog, Chris is about 2 hours into his flight home and Leigh Ann is about 2.5 hours into her flight home. I said to Scott last night it is weird to think that we don't have a date for any more visitors now :-( Sad to think but we know more will be coming sometime.
Thank you Chris and Leigh Ann for a fantastic weekend and it was great spending lots of time with you two!