Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Joys of Being a Home Owner

I remember vividly the days when I was looking forward to buying my first place. The excitement of decorating it and fixing it to my style and liking. After living in London for 3 years in a rental where you can't really do to much except sit and stair at plain white walls in EVERY room we were excited to move home to color.

This morning I woke up and made breakfast, took a shower and went to the basement to throw a load of laundry on. When I opened up the basement door I quickly realized one of the downfalls to home ownership, we had a flooded basement. Yes I know some of you are saying, hold on you just re-did your whole house. Yes we did and there were no issues with that. The issue was the damn sump pump. It was being slightly caught up on its cover (code for the town so people can't fall in it) and therefore wasn't going on. After I starred for 5 seconds at the water, I said to Scott, "We have a flood". We walked downstairs to 4 inches of water. Lukily we don't have much in the basement since we are going to finish the basement and lukily the workshop didn't get any water in it, but I was not looking forward to the next few hours since I was just going to put a load of laundry in and then head out to the Short Hills mall. I guess that will have to wait for another day now.

Oh the joys of home ownership! I am sure there is something good that I can blog about another day, but today I hate owning a house.

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