Friday, March 14, 2008

Back with full bags

I made it back to London yesterday around 9am and after about a 2 hour journey home from Luton Airport (where I will NEVER fly into again), I unpacked the 2 full suitcases of goodies from the US.
Suitcase 1loaded with goodies (and a second suitcase inside the first one).

The goodies laid out on the counter ready to be put away....YUMMY!

Bailey was a bit disappointed that she didn't get a gift upon my return home, maybe next time. It was a great trip home and made me want to have Scott and Bailey just pick up the stuff from our place in England and flyover to NJ for good. With less than 9 months to go it will go bye quickly especially with all of our trips planned this summer!


Caitlin said...

I see the big box of Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs!!! YUM!

Holly said...

That's some serious yummy stuff you've got there!

andrea said...

I am beyond jealous of the Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs! Like Caitlin said - yum!!

Glad you made it home safely - both from NJ and from Luton!