Thursday, November 15, 2007

House Construction- YIKES!

With about 10 months left to go till Scott and I move back to New Jersey, we have decided to start some construction on our home. We currently own a 1954 Cape Cod House (picture below)

So here is the plan:

1. Make our current Cape Cod style home a Colonial (the means making the upstairs of the house flush with the lower level). That should add some nice sq. footage to the upstairs of the house (thank goodness in the 6 months we lived in it we didn't do work to the upstairs!

2. Where you see the car parked on the left, putting a garage there (it will be set back further then where the car is so that we can still park 2+ cars in the driveway and also have a garage.

3. Making an addition off of the back of the house to add a fireplace and a larger family room downstairs and an en-suite in the master upstairs.

Well that is the plan and currently we have lined up some contrators to give us some estimates next week while we are in NJ for Thanksgiving! We are hoping for construction to be completed in about 6 months which will give us then time to re-paint etc. prior to moving in! Fingers crossed all goes well. Stay tuned!


Liz said...

I can't believe we're going to be in the NJ at the same time. That's awesome. Adorable house, by the way. I love your plans, too.

Anonymous said...

Nice plans! Look forward to seeing pic's :)

Holly said...

Your house is so cute and the plans sound great. Got to love home improvements! I hope all goes well with your meetings.