Tuesday, May 25, 2010

One step forward

I had my first day off from work on Friday in a long time. I didn't know what to do with myself since I have been so consumed by work lately. It was a free day off, yep no using vacation days, sick days, etc. A free day from my CFO for all of my hard week over the last 11 weeks...who is counting anyway.

I ran a few errands first thing in the morning and one of which was taking the step towards a fit Libby. I joined New York Sports Club on Friday which is the first step to my recovery process. The second step is actually using the little yellow card that hangs on my key chain, haha. Saturday morning I was up at at spin class at 9am, Sunday again at 9am and Monday at 6am. I think I am doing pretty well so far I just need to keep it up.

What am I going to do?

Mon, Wed, Fri - 6am Spin class
Tues- Run outside, push ups and sit up routine
Thursday - day off (aka long walk with Bailey) or on an occasion BOSU Core Class.
Saturday and Sunday - Super Spin (spin class but for an hour instead of 45min).

Other things I am doing:
1. Giving up Soda! We have a stocked fridge at work with Diet Coke, Pepsi, Snapple Iced Tea, Seltzer water, Ginger Ale, Orange juice and Apple Juice. I was too convenient to just grab a diet coke at lunch and have one or two in the day. The time has come to turn around in the kitchen and head to the water cooler instead. Yesterday was the step in the right direction with no soda and water all day instead!
2. Limit intake of bread. I don't eat a lot of bread but when I can stop it I will. Take the top bun off of a burger, no bread at a restaurant, etc. This I think will be easier to do and will make me feel better too.
3. Make healthier meals. This will be a harder change since we basically make healthy meals now but limiting some items we have on the plate.

I know there will be splurge days, I know there will be ups and downs during this recovery process but it is a start and you have to start somewhere.

I will update weekly on my progress! Wish me luck!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fred's Team

Scott has been talking about running the NYC marathon for a few years and while he has talked and talked about it the time was never right, when is it though? He has taken the plunge and will be running the NYC Marathon on November 7, 2010 for Fred's Team! Fred's Team runs for charity and specifically for Memorial Sloane-Kettering.

I am extremely proud of him for taking the first step which is committing himself on the 26.2 mile run. He has started the training and hit the pavement, logging some miles already. He does need some help though, raising money for charity. If you can spare a dollar or two it would be greatly appreciated as he is trying to raise $3,000 for charity!


Thank you in advance to all and I will update you all on his journey towards the finish line!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Light is Shining Brighter at the End of the Tunnel

I have been a working machine lately and my sleep, life and body have taken the toll on it. I was at work till 11pm last night to get a document out the door which was a major milestone in this project. With that said, I get the day off tomorrow and a week reprieve of late nights for a short time but the light it starting to shine brighter and brighter at the end of the tunnel!

What is a girl to do with a free Friday off???? I have a few things in mind!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Trip planning

Work has been quite busy which has left me know time for posting. We are finally starting to ease up and so in any spare time that I have, I have been thinking about vacation. Maybe not a true long vacation but a 6 day getaway to Europe to visit a lovely place that Scott, my brother and I visited in Dec 2008. We loved the town so much that we said right then and there that we would be back the following year. You how those things go sometimes right? Well if you do then you know we didn't make it there since we were back in the US and getting settled in with jobs, family, house, etc. We are though, two years later, going back to Bruges for the Christmas Market.

We are planning a short getaway with a stop in Amsterdam for a night and a stop in Brussels for a night and the remaining 3 nights will be in Bruges. The plan is that we will start in Amsterdam on an arrival morning and spend the night and then leave on a train in the afternoon for Brussels. Spend the night in Brussels and head to Buges in the afternoon the next day.

It is a short trip but we are looking forward to it, even in May. I am in the process of hotel hunting in Bruges, Brussels and Amsterdam and have a few narrowed down but not entirely done. Looking for suggestions of restaurants, hotels, etc if anyone wants to share!