This weekend while spending every bit of our money, well the pennies that we haven't paid contractor, for items for the house. I went out on Friday night with my mom to one of my all time favorite stores, HomeGoods, to look for a long mirror to go over our 2 single vanities in the master bathroom. Homegoods was my first choice of location for the mirror since I had a giftcard from there that was given to me almost 4 years ago, good thing they don't expire or loose value here. After perusing the aisles and finding lots that I loved and either (a) don't need right now or (b) can't afford right now, it was off to the mirror section. There it was a gorgeous wood framed mirror that would go perfectly with our vanities. I took some measurements and knew that it would fit the space correctly. Here is where the problem lies, I had no way to get it home with Scott's car (a Altima Coupe). Me being a budget consious shopper now, or I will call myself a Recessionista, wanted to look other places to see if there was a better deal to be had. We then stopped at TJMaxx, Bed Bath and Beyond, Pier 1, Marshall's and Target. Nothing to be had there. We headed home for dinner and I decided I would come back in the am with Scott and pick up the mirror.
We arrived at Homegoods the next day and got the mirror and loaded it up in my car then headed off to TJMaxx to look at a pair of shoes I found the night before. Walking down the aisle there was a table set-up that was not there the night before and upon. Upon closer inspection of this table there they were, the shoes that I had been longing for for 2 years but had refused to pay $325 for them and now they are sitting on this table for $59.99.
Problem, not in my gunboat foot size :-( I WAS MAD. I guess though it wasn't meant to be.
We then headed to the house and dropped off the mirror so that the contractor could hang it today before the electrician does all the lighting. So for shits and giggles I decided to stop off at TJMaxx near our house and no go there for me, they didn't even have them, and then off to Marshall's 2 blocks away and to what does my wandering eye see???
More practical for me since I love flats. Don't get me wrong I love heels but work is more laid back so these will get test driven more than the heels would for now. I picked them up and went to the register with a large smile on my face!
Call me a bargain shopper or call me a recessionista....I don't care. All I care is that I got these adorable shoes for a STEAL!